Chapter Three: 1 Thessalonians

7 days ago

#1Thessalonians #chapterthree #Jesus #bibleteaching #series #history #christianity #christian #pastor #martinhumphrey #brixtontabernacle #rapture #harpazo #foundational #ChartridgeMissionChurch #chesham #epistle

Pastor Martin Humphrey from Brixton Tabernacle, London, visits Chartridge Mission Church to preach from Chapter Three of our popular series on 1 Thessalonians. Pastor Martin uses the apostle Paul's other epistles to open the details of Chapter Three. Pastor Martin finds some impossible challenges within The Bible but thankfully also finds the solution. With every chapter alluding to the Rapture of God's people, 1 Thessalonians is foundational to our understanding of Paul's later epistles.

Chartridge Mission Church was founded in 1844 and is still located in the village of Chartridge, just outside of Chesham, in the beautiful Chiltern Hills of Buckinghamshire, England, UK.

Filmed on Sunday, 9th March 2025.

Join us for our Sunday service at 18:00.


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