211: Tim Walcott - A 6-Pack is A High Status Symbol

9 days ago

Tim Walcott (@iamtimwalcott) is an online transformation coach, and co-host of the Stay Peaked. podcast. He’s coached people in person and online for years to build a body that drips confidence.

Tim is an amazing coach and a phenomenal guy and he also just recently finished up his own significant transformation process. He was in really good shape before, but there’s a lot that goes into going from good to great. That’s what we spoke about in this podcast episode.

Tim shares the nutrition, training and lifestyle strategies that he used, as well as some of the unexpected or underestimated difficulties of getting in peak shape. We also spoke a lot about the mindset shifts that come from this level of commitment and transformation - both what’s required to make it happen, and what happens as a result of it.

It’s becoming increasingly rare to be in amazing physical condition. Which means it’s becoming a greater and greater status symbol. Tim talks at length about how this all impacts every aspect of life in a positive way.

To see more of what Tim shares, be sure to follow him on IG, and subscribe to the Stay Peaked. podcast.

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Website: https://www.danielyores.com/
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Podcast Cover Art by @octopuslegss (https://www.instagram.com/octopuslegss/)

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