Hope Is Not Lost

22 hours ago

Are you sitting in the dark? Mourning - Grieving - Lamenting?
'Now may God, the fountain of hope, fill you to overflowing with uncontainable joy and perfect peace as you trust in him. And may the power of the Holy Spirit continually surround your life with his super-abundance until you radiate with hope! Romans 15:13

There are times we think: I can’t make it through this. This is way to much for me to bear. We look ahead and we see the waves and the storm raging and we just want to give up. We sit in the darkness of our soul torment, in a despair so deep that we feel no one can reach us. Then the Light of Christ comes and shatters the dark night with the brilliance of a morning sunrise with a Kingdom Perspective so miraculously bright, we can’t look away as hope shatters our dark night.

Great souls are grown through struggles and storms and seasons of suffering. Be patient with the process. James advised, “Don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed.” (James 1:4, Msg) Written By Rick Warren

When we watch the sunrise out of the darkest of nights, it is just a constant reminder of what our God can do. There is no darkness so great that the LIGHT of God can’t get through. There is not light of God that the enemy can put out. The SON will always rise in the darkness of our soul. So many times we want to quit, we feel stuck in the dark. But, God’s Word speaks the truth, there is no darkness that God can’t pierce through. YES… the darkness is not a road block for us, because the SON of God will come in His Light and Glory and His Light of Truth will set us free.

The storm was raging the disciples were scared beyond measure and then Peter sees Jesus coming towards them, he thinks he is a ghost, but Jesus calls out to Peter. It is ME… it is ME, Jesus… and Peter steps out of the stormy darkness and walks on the water. Our fear in the dark can overwhelm us, yet Jesus is right there with us to encourage us to step out of it, don’t let it overtake us… the dark fear.

Are you in a dark place? Call out to Jesus, the SON of God will rise out of the darkness of your soul with a morning SONshine that will embolden you like o other. Dont’ give up. You will not be in this dark time forever. There is no darkness that the Lord can’t enlighten with His truth. God will shine a light in our soul across the stormy waters and He will say: BE Still.

The storm is upon us, the darkness falls heavy in this night, we pray, we hope for the joy that comes with the new dawn of Jesus Christ, we hope for redemption, revival, renewal and restoration.

The darkness can’t be held over us forever. Jesus Christ will rise like the morning son rises and shatters the darkness. We will know the truth and the truth will set us free and cause us to step out of our despair and walk towards Jesus on the waters of our rough seas. No doubt about it. We can hope in the dark. When you are in a life storm and it is raging all around you, hope in God! Hope is never lost. Hope is never left behind. Hope will always win the day.

DIG Deeper:

After the crowds dispersed, Jesus went up into the hills to pray. And as night fell he was there praying alone. But the disciples, who were now in the middle of the lake, ran into trouble, for their boat was tossed about by the high winds and heavy seas. At about four o’clock in the morning, Jesus came to them, walking on the waves! When the disciples saw him walking on top of the water, they were terrified and screamed, “A ghost!” Then Jesus said, “Be brave and don’t be afraid. I am here!” Peter shouted out, “Lord, if it’s really you, then have me join you on the water!” “Come and join me,” Jesus replied. So Peter stepped out onto the water and began to walk toward Jesus. Matthew 14:23-29 https://www.bible.com/bible/1849/MAT.14.23-29


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