Start Carving Ep 7: Cat

1 day ago

In this episode I make a caricature of a cat from a beginners standpoint.

I use a 1x1x4" piece of Basswood for this carving. It's more whittling than carving. I took inspiration for the drawing from a picture, but sized it down and changed some details to fit my piece. You can use any type of wood that you choose. I have numerous pieces of Basswood at the moment, so I will use it. This is a one knife method and I am using a 2 3/8" MoraKniv Sloyd style knife. For all that read this description, I misstated in the video saying it was 2 5/8".

Adding gouges and v-cut tools make the carving/whittling faster, but I tend to like the simplicity of using one knife. But I encourage you to do what you like to do. I did not measure anything out just drew what would pass for a cat on the piece of wood.

All the music was written and recorded by me except for one song. The artist knew I would do this to him eventually and this is the video I am putting it in. I hope you all will enjoy the snifty tunes he puts out.

As always, enjoy all things In My Purview!

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