they're sheep n they're everywhere (which is nowhere)

11 days ago

i haven't stopped thinking about this since the thought occurred to me
they are sheep that have lost their way
how many bad directions will they be swayed
they are so miserable are they not
my prayers feel pretty useless
can you tell that i'm lost in thought
lucky to have been where i have been n to have seen exactly what i did
the sheep will believe anything that "authority" tells em
my body can't make me $ (unless i were a prostitute)
might as well have had sex for $ i mean
a lotta people can make $ off of you if you dunno who you are or what you're doing (all too common here in the states)
i get reprimanded every time i have asked a question
many are terrified of criticism
if you can't handle criticism you ain't much of a person
those in authority don't deserve that position if they can't handle criticism
i wish more people had their suspicions
the purpose is always full control
how many hand over their power to somebody that doesn't deserve the title they have been given
they are precious children of God but you wouldn't know that today
the children are monsters
the women are vultures
the men act just like women cos they are governed by their dicks
people have never been able to control themselves
_____ is all they'll ever have...they're probably right about that tho
they're basing their identity around whatever they think they want
i know who the fuck i am, bitch
self-concept needs no social acceptance
when they're asleep there will be a slaughterhouse just waiting for em
it can't come fast enough n then it does

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