Freemasonry Out Of The Shadows

2 days ago

You identity was stolen at the moment you were born and then through education and special advanced systems you were programmed within the framework of an all-pervading global socialist society that had to be and remain heavily controlled!

However, we can free ourselves from this by letting go of the programmed "avatar" by stopping to follow the system that produced you.
When you really want this because you know that the old identity was a "fiction" of your "true self" then you can become anything you want.
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When I was about 19 or 20 years of age I loved taking the bus. I was a good boy, I made an effort to go home once a year to see my parents.

I had definitely made a change, I was going to change my life. I moved to another state; Washington State, for the flat lands to the mountains.

When I would take Grey Hound across country. There were still normal people traveling the nation’s highways on a bus.

I decided I would take on a different personality. It afforded me an opportunity to get out of my own skin and decide who and what I really wanted to be.

Most of the time I chose to be talker. A regular chatty whatever. I was still quiet and reserved. Given the right circumstances I could break out and to be someone else.

These were the days before cell phones. A feller gone on, late at night, in southern Utah and heading towards Salt Lake.

He was well past being cut off at the bar. Every time the buss started up from a stop sign, the deeply inebriated fella would begin to bellow. “O chug chug chug whoo whoo chugga chug chug whoo whoer.

Then he started making a pass at a guy he thought was a girl because he had long hair.
No it wasn’t me!

Anyway there was come near to come fisty cuffs over that faux pas.

Finally we were out of CedarCity and it was getting dark in the bus.

The bus driver pulled over out in the middle of no where. Got out and ran behind a shed. I figured he had to go.

And you know the old saying. Whether you know the old saying or not I’m going to tell it to you. “If you don’t go when you gotta go, you just might find when you get there; you’ve already been.”

I find this truism, is even more infinitely true in my old age, than when I first committed to memory this lesson to live by.

Sorry, I gotta run.

Oh yeah, any way this yahoo starts up again when the driver starts the bus moving toward Salt Lake.

“O chug chug chug whoo whoo chugga chug chug whoo whoer. He was having a high o’time.

When we pulled into Salt Lake there were several Beehive Troopers waiting for our celebratory train operator.

“O chug chug chug whoo whoo chugga chug chug whoo whoer.” We all had a quieter night until we pulled into Boise.
Albert Pike
33rd Degree Mason
Southern Sympathizer
The book “Rules And Dogma”
Codifying Many Ceremonies
Also Wrote About The Three World Wars.

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