1 day ago

Phone snippet of All We Got Sunday. I had a great full body workout. Ran into my guy Scott 😓💪🏾🏋🏻‍♂️ Background music by Ghetto Rock Entitled: Following a Dusty Road. I Hope you having a great day and did you get your workout on today? ⁵. Tag me in your vid or pic so we can see... If you would like your very own IH FITNESS Tshirt to rep my little movement with me in self help and self improvement. Moneeb said he would give anyone who was following me on IG a 20% discount IH FITNESS Shirts. If they request one made and can show that they are currently following me. This shirt👕 represent the Discipline and hard work of Individual Health Fitness, because only you can get you right....holla at my brother @moneebmajeed and you can send him your favorite type shirt 👕to print on or purchase the shirt and print combo from him. When and if you get one done take a pic and tag me in it so I can see who's serious about their own health lifestyle and rocking with me. You can also now purchase online from link in my Bio.
Film Cred: Sope
#youcandoanything #atlanta #Sope #ihfitness #fitcameraman #fitness #onelifefitnessnorfolk #fitlifestyle #inspiration #onelifefitnessgreenbrier #gymlife #vegan #virginiabeachamphitheater #individualhealthfitness #indieheat #videographer #dailyworkout #ihvideo #cameraman #fit #mindset #dmvnetwork #atlantafitness #onelifefitnesschesapeakesquare #teamvirgo #teamwinning #fitandover40 #sopewatson #selfimprovement #explorepage

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