Church Government

12 hours ago

Message on Church Government Beglic Confession Article 31,31 - Lords Day March 16th, 2025 - Trinity Reformed Church
Jesus left the apostles to rule the church on His behalf according to His Word. We are to teach what the apostles taught. We are ruled by the Word of God.
Foundational principles
Christ is the ruler of the church Gen 49:10 - Psalm 2 a reference to the Church. Isaiah 9:6, Daniel 2. Dan 7:13-14, its universal and it is an everlasting dominion. Zec 6:12, Mic 5:2-4,Mat 28:18, Col 2:10, Eph 1:20-21 - He does not rule physical force He rules by His Spirit. It is a spiritual warfare. Christ rules by His Word. All Christians are obligated to obey His Word. His Word is law.
Christ rules by His ministers and elders. Eph 4, Acts 2, He gave gifts to men. Romanism makes man the head. The Quakers reject all church government. - Presbyterian elders are elected by popular vote then the existing elders have the final say. Act 6, 1 Tim 3. Christ is the one who calls. They are charged to rule, oversee on behalf of the Lord. Where they violate that is if they go against the Word of God. 1 Tim 3:4, 5:17, 21 - shun, reprove, refute, rebuke. We must obey God and we cannot play with grace. It's not easy for elders to correct others. Heb 13:17
Direct authority resides in the consistory not in a broader assembly. The consistory shall regulate worship services. Belgic confession article 31.

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