Back4Blood - No Hope Solo Deck Build, Tips & Tricks

12 days ago

Using this deck I was able to push through No Hope difficulty with ease. I chose Holly for her stamina but never used her melee. Shotguns are the way to go, especially with the special infected ridden.

-If you die or some of the bots die, press pause and leave game. This will save you a continue. It only works in offline/solo mode as far as I know.

-Be on the lookout for Ridden Hives as entering and exiting them make the level end quickly.

-Buy lots of ammo in the safe rooms before starting missions. Your abilities use up AR and Pistol ammo quickly.

-Deck Build (feel free to change up a few cards to fit your play style)

1.Ultrasonic Wound Therapy
(Healing for you and bots)

2.Crippling Frequency
(Reducing damage)

3.Expired T5
(Cloud of fire, damaging enemies)

4.Experimental Stimulants
(Cloud to increase damage and reload speed)

(100% fire damage and temp health from fire)

(Damage resistance with temp health)

7.Face your fears
(Temp health killing enemies close)

8.Ammo Mule
(75% Ammo capacity)

9.Ammo belt
(50% ammo capacity/15% reload speed)

10.Run like hell
(12% move speed/15% sprint speed)

11.Fleet of foot
(8% move speed)

12.Cross trainers
(20% stamina/20% stamina regen/ 3% move speed/5 health)

(5% move speed/%5 sprint speed)

14.Buckshot bruiser
(Shotgun pellet hits give temp health)

15.Body armor
(20% trauma Resistance)

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