Dancing Barefoot ~ Patti Smith ( Live )

3 days ago


Thank You for contributing, … you can send me anything you got to Tom Trefts @ ttrefts@gmail.com I’m currently matching Actors In The Q Movie To The Parts They are playing. So far I have JFK JF DIRECTING AND PLAYING AROUND 50 ROLES knitting his merry way thru the fabric of eternity and space time because he can. Or maybe he’s just George Onassis. And in a Biblical unassuming kind of way we have the White Hats pointing out the REAL JFK JR as David Quiggly. Somewhere along the line there are two twin boys in the Kennedy household plus David( John ) I heard that the term John John means the twin ( possibly an Onassis twin taking on the role of JFK JR and later on one of them became burned out along the way which leaves us with Axel. Robin Williams has played a few LARPY parts but is currently riding high as The President of Venezuela in this KENNEDY / Q Movie•••••• His best friend Christopher Reeves is playing a wackadoodle Elon Music. Joan Rivers is playing Jan Halper Hayes Elvis Presley might be a Pastor Bob Joyce ~ along with Gene Ho ( Bruce Lee ) ••••••>>> John Ritter is playing the part of the late Governor Ron Desantis.

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