Where we have been


Sorry FomoNation, I wanted to let you know what was going on sooner but there is an active investigation underway. Mrs. Fomo and I were robbed a few weeks ago and I didn't want to talk about tit or relive the experience. We had our computers, stereo equipment and all other sound devices stolen from our new home and studio. The dog unfortunately was locked in another room and could not get to my studio so he was unable to chase them off. Most of my equipment is gone now and we are slowly trying to accumulate all of our beloginngs and put things back together. Mrs. Fomo and I are completely devastated especially after all the months of hard work and vast amounts of money we invested into FomoTV and Fomocast. We have been set behind several months now. I don't know who or what entity would have done this to us but i have some ideas. We are trying to get back up and running as soon as we can. I will let you when we are back online. Every day we try to get a little closer to that goal and we are not going to stop and give us. It sometimes seems like whenever you try and do good, the forces of evil are against you. If you would like to help us get back on our feel quicker, you know how to find us. All the liniks are on the link tree. www.linktr.ee/fomo_tv

every bit helts believe it or not. For now, we are back to elementary school level streaming. I am very sad as is Mrs. Fo.m.o. Fo all th ehard work we put in for it all to disappear in one night makes us both SICK!

Thanks for your well wishes and prayers. We need a little more than that right now to get back to where we were. If you can find it in your heart and in your wallet to support the stream, all the links are above in the linkte.ee/fomo_tv Please feel free to use it now! We need all the help we can get. I am matching 1$ for every 1$ get get in donations to tyr and get this to a happy conclusion as soon as possible.

Thank you for all your support and hopefully we can get the perpetratoprs caught asap and get ther studio back together ASAP!

Thank you again for ALL your support!


Mrs. & Mr. Fomo

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