Pentjak Silat 1 minute Techniques

3 days ago

Dr. Andre Knust-Graichen's journey through the martial arts is a
testament to dedication, resilience, and a profound connection to the art form's rich history and philosophy. With a scholarly intellect and a martial artist's spirit, he has left an indelible mark on the
international martial arts community.

In his recently shared personal history within the martial arts, Dr.
Knust-Graichen reflects on his pivotal role in founding the
International Pencak Silat Federation, Pentjak Silat USA, alongside
esteemed figures such as Bapak Guru Besars James Ingram, Rudy Ter Linden, and Willem DeThouars. Incorporated in California in 1993, this federation served as a nexus for practitioners of Pentjak Silat Serak, a foundational system that united martial artists of diverse styles under Dr. Knust-Graichen's ambassadorship.

Dr. Knust-Graichen's formal training in Pentjak Silat began in 1967
under the late Bapak Guru Besar Rudy ter Linden, marking the inception of an illustrious martial arts journey spanning decades. Awarded the rank and title of guru in 1975, he continued his training with dedication, furthering his expertise under the mentorship of luminaries such as Guro Dan Inosanto and others.

Dr. Andre Knust-Graichen began his Villabrille-Largusa Kali training in 1978 under the guidance of Professor Ron Hellman in San Jose,
California. Professor Hellman, who was a direct student of late Grandmaster Ben Largusa. Professor Hellman mentored Andre until around 1983, when Andre paused his training to attend college and Chiropractic school. During this period,
Andre occasionally visited Professor Hellman's classes, sometimes participating in workouts.

Professor Ron Hellman was Andre's Villabrille-Largusa Kali teacher. The rank or title Andre received in the Villabrille-Largusa Kali system was that of "Assistant Instructor" awarded by Professor Ron Hellman and the Hellman School of Kali in 1990.

With a profound understanding of the similarities between Villabrille-Largusa Kali and the Serak system, Dr. Knust-Graichen played a pivotal role in the formation of national Pentjak Silat organizations, forging alliances with counterparts in Europe and the Netherlands. His visits to the Netherlands, where he trained with the legendary Maurice DeThouars, solidified his reputation as a leading authority in Pentjak Silat Serak.

Over the years, Dr. Knust-Graichen's contributions to the martial arts community have been manifold. He designed a simplified version of Serak,known as "AnakSerak," under the guidance of GB Maurice, and blended the Serak Silat with his knowledge of the Filipino martial art of Kali. Dr. Andre's teachings have influenced countless students and practitioners, fostering a deep appreciation for the history, art, and culture of Pentjak Silat.

Recognized with prestigious titles and ranks, including Guru Besar 6th degree Black Sash in Pencak Silat Manyang and Guru Besar 7th degree Black Sash in the Tjabang of Pukulan Serak, Dr. Knust-Graichen's legacy is a testament to his unwavering dedication to the martial arts and his commitment to preserving its heritage for future generations.

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