Will we Survive

2 days ago

I grew up in Nature as a hunter gather, away from the concrete jungle or now more call the 15 minute prisons
I learnt much from my ancestors the natives and the early settlers who had the skills of hunter –gathers.

I met up with some Hopi Indians many many years back when I was a young boy and learnt allot then and have researched many tribes.

All the people were tribes until they were slowly eroded into what we see and have now. All these tribes years ago were self-sufficient and protected their tribe from harm.

I researched the Hopi and they are an intellectual people of the North American tribes.

They're very much like the ancient Greeks were.

To the people of the world.

They are amazing philosophers, spiritual people, and very intelligent.

People among the Native American tribes in North America.

This includes all tribes that lived across North America

They taught me some of their… Secret beliefs, which I can't share with you.

But there's a great deal known about the Hopi that's generally known.

And they believe that it is very, very important for people to get out into nature.

They know that nature is a cure
It has healing powers.

And these are beliefs I've held all my life, long before I met these wonderful people.
And I want to strongly encourage everyone Get out into nature.

About why I think it is so very important spend time in nature.

And how dangerous is the push towards 15-minute cities and restricting human beings travel and limiting us to not only urban environments, but completely enclosed environments.

It's very detrimental to our health and very detrimental to our psychological well-being and to our birth rates, especially for European people and the original people who have been living in North America for the last 300 years

As I've been saying for decades, Europeans and including people in north America don't bread well in captivity.

And all mammals
When they give birth, they want to be alone. When they reproduce, many mammals prefer to be alone

To be alone.
And all this stress and crowding and overcrowding filling up the cities.

With non-whites… mass invasion of migrants was well planned to achieve their goals of genocide

You have evolved in different environments much more crowded environment, I think is playing a significant role in the fact that whites are choosing not to reproduce.

So let's take a little walk through nature together and talk about this.

All tribes of people evolved.
In a natural environment.

We evolved in a forest. Where we had to find food.

Gather our food. I've noticed that animals as well as people.

Are constantly confronted

With decisions that they have to make, where to go, what to do.

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And I think… that white people and other human beings have evolved.

As hunter-gatherers

The originals were forced into 15 minute cities called reservations or concentration camps and were no longer to be hunter-gathers,

It did not take long to destroy their way of life. Now this is happening to all tribes of people.

We use to have an especially strong sense.
of intuition.
Which is meant to guide us.
This is deliberately being eroded

And when we're constantly surrounded by other people.

We start to lose. That sense of intuition.

And our ability to make intelligent decisions for ourselves without being influenced by others.

But in this age of social media and the constant barrage of disinformation has blinded many of the people

Other people's opinions thast are Influencing humanity in general.

I see people are starting to lose their sense of intuition.

So it's very important to get out into nature. And get away from everyone else.

And give yourself time to think things over. And figure out… what it is.

That's really going on and what it is that we have to do about it.

In order to survive and perpetuate our kind.

It's not good to be constantly be exposed to groups.

The group mentality

Where people try to intimidate one another.
And try to force certain beliefs upon you.

And the enemy has these… Paid.
Talking head shills.
That get heavily promoted

The social media and alternate media keep you distracted with propaganda
Elctions, courts, receptive memes, are all lies made to be real when in fact they are all illusions

I ask myself everyday why are so many people confused and do not realize all these people are actors playing a role in the fake elections

Now with the nonsense of Trump releasing the John F Kennedy files why can’t the see they are being played over and over

Well it is because of the Ppsychological operations (PSYOP)
These operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their motives and objective reasoning.

On the social media networks and… They also have trolls out there.

To try to smear and intimidate anyone who deviates from the carefully orchestrated narratives.

I have witnessed this at all the Protests and the Trucker Convoys how they control the narrative and slowly erode the masses into confusion.
This is all done in stealth

They also silence the intellectual intelligent people who actually have the solution to help them breakaway from these illusions

That they're constantly trying to push

So that's another one of the… very important reasons.
Why it's necessary to get away from the 15 minute prison city death sentence

From the computer screen and the cell phone and get out into nature.

They want you glued to their hypnotizing destructive brainwashing poison

Walk away and get out to nature
And… It makes you much more strongly.
Independent and less influenced by others.
The group consensus is always going to be worse.

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Then you… the intelligent individuals understanding will be more clear of his circumstances.

And they don't want us to realize that.
Instead, they want us to believe that these paid talking heads are tremendously insightful.

They often tout themselves as having some kind of mysterious inside information.

Q , Mike adams broadcast propaganda news, SGT Report, Elon Musk, 51 State, Separation parties, Independent parties, Trump-Zelensky Clash are just a few to mention how they keep the people hypnotized in stupidity.

It is not real
They are actors keeping people distracted from reality

It's all complete horseshit.

These people are paid con artists.
Their job is to deceive you.
To lie to you.
To rope you in.

Get you trapped in all kinds of mouse traps in order to fulfill that agenda.

And they often do it in the name of opposing the so-called Elites.

But if you pay attention to these clowns, you'll notice that they're always wrong.
They're always deceiving you. They're always
Leading you astray.

Driving you into a dead end road
That is why I call them the Dead end gang.
I seen it clear with the controlled opposition of the main Organziers when the Covid 19 scam

Out of no where came Chris Sky, Kelly Anne Wolfe, Vladislav Sobolev from thugs and masks, Lamont Daigle the line, Jim Kerr the bubble bus distraction, True North media, Rebel media, Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson, Dan Dicks - of Press For No Truth, Odessa Orlewicz - Liberty Talk Canada are just a few I can mention

Their job is to deceive you

They want you on Social media all day and night

Facebook is one of there greatest weapons to keep you confined all day wasting your valuable time doing Nothing

Where if you were off these you would be utilizing your time building your own system

So it's very important
Especially for white people as they are systematically being exterminated and all people to realize they will be next.

Who evolved as hunter gatherers.
To key in to our… sense of survival.

Our intuitive sense To reconnect.

With nature of which we are a part and to get away from the completely artificial world of social media illusion

So that we can think more clearly and better understand.

Both ourselves and the future of our race.

They don't want you to take pride in being white anymore.

It used to be that being white was always considered purity.

The good, the true, and the beautiful.
Were associated with whiteness.

Some of the most beautiful animals, like the snowy egret.
The polar bear, white stallion are white.
And they want to… Smear that.

And make everything other than what we are. The good, the true, and the beautiful.

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And falsely portray white as if they inherently evil.

When the real Evil are the ones you cannot mention or you will be called out for anti-Semitic or hate crimes
But I think that brainwashing can be countered.
By getting out into the natural world and feeling a part of the natural world.

Instead of all this Constant Negative Artificial conditioning that is engineered.

To make us hate ourselves for us to falsely… perceive our enemies.

As if they're coming to save us and save us by killing us all.
Just getting away from all that negative noise of the social media you will realize they deliberately had you imprisoned all day posting memes or commenting to trolls or AI bots wasting your precious life.

Out in nature is very curative and very healing.
I hesitate to use the word spiritual because of all the religious connotations.

It maintains but it does have a certain meaning and connotations.

That many people do appreciate so it is a very spiritual experience.
It's an experience of becoming yourself again and getting away from how the enemy defines you.

And instead realizing what you are.

And that takes time and self-contemplation. And a lot of people don't have that anymore.

And, you'll see that families are often the most happy when they're out in nature.

When the kids can take off their boots and walk around in streams and throw rocks and play with one another without supervision.

It's a much, much better lifestyle. So that's another one of the very detrimental things.

That I personally have experienced. Especially in the past 30 years.
Is this massive flood if immigrants.

Just fills up every place even out in the wild, you can't get away from all the hordes of people.

I visited Niagara Falls and only seen a handful of white people, and this park itself is now filled with East Indians.
Which is something that never, ever used to happen.

The white population is being exterminated world wide!
I don't have anything against East Indians. I just don't want them taking over my world.
And overcrowding it and making it stressful and unnatural.

It is unnatural for people to live among other tribes. Which are inherently and distinctly different from them.

Different from them genetically.
Different from them historically.
Culturally, traditionally.

And since we already have all these tremendous stresses and pressures on us.
to not reproduce.
They are now setting it up so that women are attracted to the most financially successful people.

And they are importing chinese and East Indians. So that white women And white men breed with these people. Or choose them as mates.
Ultimately so that the white race… disappears.

This is a calculated genocidal attack.

And we have been very… unsuccessful encountering it because of the fact that people are so heavily influenced by social media and influencers.
Talking heads

All the major news propaganda programs.
Many of the religious leaders are also involved
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They're all on board with the same agenda. Even though now Some of them are pretending to oppose it.

And many of them plagiarize my work and the work of others who are educating sovereignty.
They take our work using bits and pieces of our information of sovereignty to fit their agenda.

They intentionally divert them from the solution and send them on wild goose chase.

Groups such as Life-force Canada , Christopher James from A Warrior Calls , Kevin Annett Jane Scharf pushing the Canadian Bill of Rights all infiltrated our educational meetings to create division

These are just a few who make the uneducated believe they are working in their best interest when they actually are deceiving them

Druthers in another operation of distractions and have never informed the people of a solution just more distractions.

I still hear some people say that they learnt some things from these groups but they still do not comprehend what the purpose of the groups were intended for.

All these groups were informed of the Solution and they deliberately avoided this important information.

If they all would of educated the solution we would be unified on one direction

We the people are individuals with self determination and we are the government and the fiction of Canada masquerading. as a legit government would have been called out for what it really is

A Fraud with no authority nor any jurisdiction.

So much valuable time, expense has been wasted on these distracters.

Now its time for you as an individual to step up before it’s to late.

I and many others who have been sounding the alarm about this for 30 years, for 100 years, for 500 years.

But they never mention us. Instead, they're trying to steal our thunder.

To distract you
So that they can once again capture you and keep you in a place where you'll never escape.

But at least for me personally I can come out here.
And all the other beautiful natural places. And contemplate these things and reunite with myself.
And develop plans strategies how to get out of this mess.

So That's pretty much what I wanted to say.
I want to encourage you to maintain hope. Always stay positive.

And to realize that there are solutions.
But when you see people who are misleading you day after day, week after week, year after year.
People who always get it wrong and then talk about the past as if it was someone else's fault that they got it wrong.

These people are poisoned. They are leading many Into their own demise and our demise. And it will come much more quickly than people expect.
This is the exact time that the enemy… has been planning for thousands of years.
To exterminate us

The European people and I think that a select core of us needs to get away from them and self-segregate and create a new society. A new community.

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And I think the fact… that these people will be the best people, the most intelligent people as they are the few who actually can see this all unfolding right in front of them

We must to start to breed our race back before its to late.

With our knowledge and wisdom we can help our next generations ensure this never happens again.
This represents a tiny minority of our race. Will also have the benefit.
That we will exist in a place with a low population density.

And I think having a low population density is very important.
People to connect with themselves and to understand nature.
And to not be influenced by the mob.

The communists always utilize the brute force of the masses, the stupid masses.
That they can so easily brainwashed with this self-destructive nonsense.
With utopian mythologies.

Creating our own system it'll be good. That we could live in that area with low population density.
That we can live among nature.
At first will have to be a community.
Kind of like… dispersed throughout the world.
In which we live in our own castles
We will establish a network of this around the globe.
And we'll develop our ideologies our technologies or philosophies, very much like the Greek tribes did. And from that, eventually… will form a solid community somewhere.

That is capable of defending itself from the enemy.

The masses that the enemy will Inevitably fit against us.

So it has to be a process. Everything in life, everything in nature is always a process.

Cooking a steak is a process. You have to rear the animal.

The animal has to be butchered. The butchered cuts have to be cooked.

You need a fuel source. You need heat.

You need a pan or a stone. Or the grill to cook the meat on.

It's all just a process. And in order for that process to happen.

We have to make it happen. We have to plan and work together because this to happen.
We cannot fix their system it is impossible is was designed to fail.

But we can build a system better as we seen and learned what not to build or repeat.

Usury, corrupt courts are the first steps we ensure never happen again.
Create the system we desire and things and we make them better than ever before. Because we have the benefit of experience. And we have the benefit of wisdom.

And there are also several advantages.
That the enemy itself is creating for us.
This enemy that we face is constantly trying to tear everything down and is constantly… misleading people to destroy themselves.
So they are actually… going to eliminate all the competition.
That we would otherwise face because these people lack the insight to be able to counter this enemy.

And the corrosive and destructive effects of this enemy.
We won't be subjugated to those ill effects and therefore, we can not only preserve ourselves. But we can build things up and deliberately build them up.

We can make our world better and better and better. As they destroy everything.

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So we will… outlive them.
We will do better than them because we want to create a better world where they desired to create an awful world.

Not a world of AI Not only from… This eternal existential enemy, which is unnatural, which is completely artificial.

Which evolved creating these prison cities, hich converted people to its beliefs who were the most degenerate, mentally ill. corrupt and selfish people in all of existence.

We also have that as our advantage. Otherwise… we will be trapped in the mousetrap that they have set for us.
And we will find no way out.

The end game is here if we do not create our own system as the enemy is here and those who stay in the prisons will not survive.

So I got to appeal to everyone. We have to act urgently to get away from this constant corruption of our minds.

Where they surround us with negative imagery constantly portraying us as if we are inherently evil and in need of extermination.

Solution, we have to build our own society.
Which glorifies us in our attributes.

We have to create a world for ourselves.

Which is segregated from all these evil people and if you go out into nature and contemplate the beauty of nature.

You are also witnessing the beauty of yourself and of your mind and that you are a part of all that natural world.

And you get away from the artificial world. That the enemy has engineered and continues to make worse.

So that will give you hope and hope itself is also very curing and healing.

People without hope often die. You have to maintain hope and you have to visualize a future. That is beautiful and wonderful.

Not only for you and your family.
But all your future generations and descendants.

Get out into nature and explore the world now.
Don't be afraid of anything. If there's a threat, recognize it and deal with it.
To make something out of it instead of worrying constantly and being afraid.

Failing to act to save yourself and your family. Get away from all the graffiti.

The destruction that they portray in all of their media, in all of their social media.
They want you to feel helpless and to rely upon the enemy as if your Savior.

You cannot rely upon the enemy. You have to rely upon yourself and one of the best ways is to reconnect with yourself and your family.

Just to get out into the natural world and away from all this artificial construction.

And a lot of the horrors that we face in the world are caused by other people.

You have to get away from other people. For certain periods of time in order to be true to yourself.

They're making our world exactly like Bolshevik Soviet Union they have planned with constant surveillance .
In which there are informants. Even among your own family and friends who will denounce you
and they will denounce you to gain the favor of the state.

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To steal your property.
To take over your job, your wife, and your family.
It's really a horrible, horrible world that they have planned for us.
It's part of their campaign to turn Our existence, our fundamental existence into hell.
Completely destroy us. But we don't need to fall into that trap if we act now.
But again, please heed my warning. We are right on the precipice of them succeeding in their plans to eliminate us.

Their primary target of the past 2,500 years. has been the European white people and

The ancient Egyptians were also very much of a genetic material similar to the European peoples, if not derived from European peoples.
And they always hated them and they hate the natural world.

They believe. Let the natural world… is chaos and they want to create an artificial world.
Based upon their intellect and give it an order, which is completely opposed to nature.
Contrary to nature in every way and deliberately intended.
To eliminate nature and destroy nature.
They don't even want to live on the surface of the Earth anymore.
They want to live in a subterranean, what they consider to be paradise.
In which they create everything they want in the way that they want it.
Because they have no connection to the natural world.
They have no connection to beauty, truth.
and goodness, quite the opposite. Everything they are. And everything they seek is evil and intended to destroy everything.
Which is natural.
And again, they conceive of nature as being an evil force.

A destructive force, formlessness, Chaos. Emptiness, Void and destruction.

And it is vitally important. For us to not allow those attitudes to permeate our consciousness.

Because they are deliberately destroying nature.
They destroy nature in the name of preserving nature very often.

As they do with so-called green energy. Green energy is often derived.

By cutting down millions of trees and creating an ecological mess.

They deliberately create massive fires worldwide and filling the atmosphere with smoke and moisture. In order to harm millions and destroy homes, families
To kill us off and they do that in innumerable ways.
And they're going to try to force us into prison cities that they control and regulate.
And they're going to… ensure that we don't breed.
In every way they can. They are destroying our genetics.
They are sterilizing us. In innumerable ways.
And in the very end, as they kill us off.
They want us to be tortured.
To feel that we are under… Constant, inescapable surveillance.
So that we have constant stresses. That we cannot overcome. and from which there is no escape.
So please. Carefully consider what it is.
I'm saying. Think about what kind of future.

You want yourself to have. And that you want your descendants to have after you.

Is it one in which you exist? Together with nature in the real world.
Or do you want to be exterminated? In the artificial hell.
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That the enemy is creating for us all. I want to think about all I have mentioned
The game of illusions of voting, referendums, countries and someone coming to save you will keep you all distracted from what Must be done.

We want to connect with more people that comprehend the importance of creating our own communities all over the world.

People are reaching out to us about what I've been saying.
They recognize this reality and they don't want to give over their future to the enemy.

And to the masses who blindly follow the enemy. They want to take control of their future.
And we need more people like that. So please don't hesitate to make comment or contact us
Email will be in comments of video

We look forward to hearing from you. I, again… Stress, the urgency.
That we have to act Immediately.
Because this window of opportunity is closing. They're bringing us into more and more conflict.

And they're restricting our rights and their technology is advancing, even around here.

They're placing police cameras everywhere.
More constantly feel the stress of being monitored and watched.
And judged. And they are intimidating us.
And turning us. Against ourselves.

So that we develop all kinds of inhibitions about what we say and what we do.
And that leads into our planning. People are planning to not have families.

Because they recognize the horrors that are about to be visited upon humanity.
And our ancestors went through Horrors for hundreds of thousands of years.
We can survive this. We owe it to ourselves.
We owe it to our ancestors. We owe it to nature itself.

It is nature and the earth.
We are a part of all this structure. And everything in nature is perpetually changing.

So we have to become the primary agents of change. To secure our future.

And to govern our own fate. And to not place our fate in the hands of our enemy. Who hates us because we are part of the natural world.
The enemy considers itself to be divine beings from other dimensions from other worlds. The enemy hates the natural world.
The enemy hates us because it identifies us with the natural world.
The enemy even considers us animals and a food source to keep the vessel of their body alive and they hope to escape that vessel of their body.
Everything natural is repugnant to them and repels them. And they control the vast majority of what your consciousness is exposed to.
And you have to get away from it if you want to understand the natural world because you are a part of the natural world. And you have to understand it.
In order to properly understand yourself. And it is also vitally important to… connect with nature.
So that we establish proper goals that we can attain.
That will perpetuate our survival.
The amino acids. The proteins.
And this all has to be organic and constructed by nature. It cannot be artificial.
They have already eliminated The vast majority of humanity.

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We no longer have the same genes as our ancestors. We may be able to figure out ways of correcting that.

And we should be preserving a sperm and eggs in sperm and egg banks.
And we should also be gathering samples of our DNA from the graves of our ancestors.

And other places in which the remains of our ancestors are preserved so that we know eventually how to get back to it.

If they succeed in making all of humanity sterile.
Will be vitally important for these sperm banks and egg banks to reproduce human beings once again.

And for these samples of our ancestors DNA, recreate what was.
So that we can preserve ourselves. In that way.

I'll be talking much more about these things and about nature.
And about what we have to do to survive. So please subscribe.
And I'll see all you wonderful. People. Next time, stay healthy.

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Thank you

Goodbye for now.

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