FREAKY! AI Robot Addresses the House of Lords

8 days ago

FREAKY! AI Robot Addresses the House of Lords - Humans Soon to be REPLACED

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The creator Aiden Meller says he was inspired by none other than transhumanist and WEF top advisor Yuval Noah Harari.

"The thing that I keep coming back to over and over, and throughout the entire time right from the beginning, is actually Yuval Noah Harari’s work on hacking a human. The biggest that I have seen which is absolutely – takes me to my core, is actually not so much how human-like Ai-Da is but how robotic we are; In actual fact, in light of the fact that we are habitual we’ll be able to then predict what we’ll be starting to do. And that’s where, as an apocalyptic vision, of what this enormous data and insight can give us."

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While robots and AI will more than likely replace the workload for humanity heading in the future, the REAL agenda at its core is to get people plugged into the grid and turn them into cyborgs.

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