Catherine Austin Fitts - The RFID Chip

4 days ago

The Covid jab was Part 1 or the Mark of the Beast, self-assembling electronics in a jab. This was part of the "Transhuman" agenda, connecting people to the "internet of things"...this is explained in the UN Publication called Agenda 21, you can buy it from Amazon for about £12; the chapter called "Lock-Step" explains how all governments and media are working in unison with the WEF. The Patent for "Transhumanism" can be found on the internet, just search for the patent number ... WO2020/060606 A1 ...that's a "letter O" after the W.

Depopulation was part of the Bolshevik 2.0 agenda, a Jew'ish Zionist plot to genocide 7 BILLION people, as written on the now destroyed Georgia Guidestones. Feel free to find the 1994 Cairo World Population Summit on my channel here, a leaked video, short 'n sweet.


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