Breaking Down Ideological Silos

1 day ago

Breaking Down Ideological Silos
We’re complaining more than ever… but what are we doing about it?

#Purpose #Unity #StrongMen #CommunityStrength #CommonGoals #SelfImprovement #SocietalChange #MenOfPurpose #AdaptOrFail #menhelpingmen

Learn how to break down ideological silos and foster unity in a divided world! This clip highlights the power of shared aspirations and common goals. Ideal for anyone passionate about societal change. #Unity #CommonGoals #SocietalChange
Breaking Down Ideological Silos for Common Goals
14:47 - 17:10
We complain about capitalism from our thousand dollar iPhones we complain about living conditions we complain about everything and we're doing a lot of complaining not only cultural but it's because we don't really have anything to do because we lost our purpose because we lost our focus. No purpose. Yep, because we lost our aspiration the great challenge in the hard times gives common aspiration common aspiration being overcoming the hard times the oppression the starvation, the whatever significant challenge faces the civilization, that common aspiration coupled with strong people, not just strong men, strong people, it takes strong men and strong women to get to, yeah, to get through it. It does. Yeah, takes a community. It takes strong communities. That's right. Worship constituated by strong men and strong women into across generations. But for our conversation dealing with this man, I'm not gonna try and pretend it, you know what it means or takes to be a woman or a strong woman. Right. Right. Uh, for our conversation being strong men, having lost her aspiration, having lost her challenge, the massive radar shift and you just said technology, right? So technology is changing far faster than our societal or evolutional or intellectual or emotional ability to adapt to it. Historically, in the industrial revolution, the agricultural revolution, etcetera, uh, we had more time. There were hundred year time skills. There were multi generational time skills. Things are changing within four years, five years, three years. Oh, yeah, 30 days, 90 days. It's faster than we can learn or adapt as a group. And not being able to learn or adapt as a group, we're maladapting as groups. So not only have we lost our aspiration, our principles and our values and our purpose, where we got all these exacerbating situations on top of it. There is a way through it. But, uh, that way through it is not easy and it's gonna require like we talked about earlier, breaking down some of the silos of ideology and uh working towards common aspirations again, learning how to talk again, understanding what our values and principles are as individuals and then agreeing to a set of values and principles is a collective and then building a common aspiration built on those just like the individual has to develop their core individual principles and values and purpose

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