That's a Bold Strategy: Daniel 6

2 days ago

"Bold faith in a challenging world: What can we learn from Daniel?

Daniel faced a decree that threatened his relationship with God. His response? He opened his windows wide and prayed even more openly.

In a world that often pushes us to compromise our faith, Daniel's example shines bright:
• He knew God's Word deeply
• He lived it out consistently
• He stood firm boldly, even when it cost him

Daniel's unwavering faith impacted kings and kingdoms. What impact could your bold faith have today?

'Your God, whom you serve continually, He will deliver you.' - King Darius

Are you ready to live with Daniel-like boldness? Let's encourage each other to stand firm in our faith, no matter the cost.

#BoldFaith #DanielCourage #StandFirm"

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