Sealed book of Mormon Ch.49

7 days ago

AND now, Jesus taught many things unto
his disciples concerning the equality of the
children of God. And the cause of this
inequality among the people was due to their
division into families, and also because of the
riches that some had over another.
And Jesus commanded against riches
because he knew that when one had more than
another, then he who had more cared little for
the way in which he received his riches, nor did
he care for those who had less than himself.
And Jesus taught the people that the leaders
of the church were wealthy men who enjoyed
the things of the world and the associations that
they had with those in power outside of the
church, even the politicians and the leaders of
the governments under which the church was
subjected according to the laws of the land.
And the only income that came into the
church came by way of the tithes and offerings
t hat the people gave unto the church, as they
were commanded by their leaders.
And the Jews who were rich were prideful
in that which they gave unto the church because
they gave much more than the poor, thus
justifying themselves in their wickedness
believing that because of the abundance of
which they gave unto the church, they were
more blessed than the poor who gave little or
nothing at all.
And now, I have given unto you a brief
account of Jacob, the father of Mary, who was
assigned by the church to sell those animals to
the people that came up to the temple to worship
and make sacrifice unto God according to the
law of Moses. And in the time of Jesus, the law of Moses
had been corrupted and changed considerably,
even that the original purpose and meaning of
the sacrifice of animals, as well as the manner in
which they were sacrificed, had been changed,
so that the people did not understand that which
they did in offering up sacrifices. But the people
did these things according to their traditions that
they might fulfill the requirements of salvation as
they had been taught to believe by their leaders.
And Jacob, being employed by the church
to sell for money the animals that the people
needed to make the appropriate sacrifices, as
they supposed, knew that the church had
corrupted the laws of God and replaced them
with the commandments and precepts of men.
And because he knew these things, he could
not sell the animals that he had raised by
command of the church, and who had set the
price for them, to those who were poor and
could not afford to pay for that which they
needed to participate in what they believed to be
the ordinances of their salvation.
And Jesus also knew of these things. And
when he had come into Jerusalem according to
the tradition of the Passover, he found in the
temple those who sold oxen and sheep and
doves, and also the money changers who had
been commissioned by the church to accept the
money of the people no matter in what form it
was received. And everything that was done by the
church was done for a profit; for the leaders
believed that it was within their stewardship to
make sure that the money that was received in
the name of the Lord should be used wisely to
make more money for the church, which they
believed was the will of the Lord. For this
reason, they had commanded Jacob to make a
profit of everything that he sold.
And when Jesus beheld these things, his
spirit groaned exceedingly within him and he
left that place and withdrew himself a ways off
from among the people.
And he cried unto the Father, saying:
Oh, My Father, how is it that Thou canst suffer
such wickedness of Thy children. Behold,
they are taught to believe that by their money
they shall buy their salvation and assure a place in Thy kingdom because of the things of
the world that they believe they give unto
Thee as tithes and offerings.
Oh, My Father, forgive me, Thy Son, for
my sorrow and that which I am about to do.
Behold, I cannot bear to see the people do this
thing and disgrace that which should be sacred
and available to all of Thy children for their
instruction, but which their leaders have turned
into a den of thieves.

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