Sealed book of Mormon Ch.48

7 days ago

AND now, I have been given a commandment
of the Lord; yea, this is the commandment that I
have rejoiced in all the days of my life, even the
one that I have waited for all of my life to
expound upon and speak about with all the
energies of my soul.
Behold, I have been given the
commandment to explain in plainness the
mission and purpose of the life of Jesus Christ
and the reason why it was necessary that he
come into the world and live his life as he did,
and teach the things that he taught unto all of us,
according to our cultures and our abilities to
understand him.
And throughout the scriptures that ye have
among you in the latter days, and also
throughout this sealed portion of the record of
my father, many of the holy prophets have
taught you many of the things that I am about to
expound unto you.
And many times they were commanded
that they should speak unto you in parables
and allegories, even in great similitude and
symbolism of that which I have now been given permission by the Lord to give unto you
in plainness.
Even the Lord himself began to speak unto
the people in parables after he had given unto
them his gospel in plainness concerning the
things that I am about to explain unto you. And
the Lord would have continued to speak unto
the people in plainness had they not rejected the
simplicity of his words and his message.
And his disciples came, and said unto him:
Why speakest thou unto them in parables? And
he answered and said unto his disciples:
Because it is given unto you to know the
mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them
it is not given.

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