Sealed book of Mormon Ch.47

7 days ago

AND now, I have been commanded by the
Lord to give unto you an explanation of the
calling of the prophet Elijah. For this is the
thing that caused much confusion among the
Jews, and also shall be the cause of much
confusion and contention among those of you in
the latter days, even unto you to whom this
sealed record shall be revealed.
And the Jews believed that the prophet
Elijah, who was among their fathers, even
among the house of Israel, would one day return
to the earth and turn the hearts of the fathers to
the children, and the hearts of the children to
their fathers, and this according to the prophet
Malachi, who was revered among them as a
holy prophet of God.
And in the latter days the first prophet
among you shall be visited by the prophet Elijah
in vision and similitude, and he shall be given
the authority to establish a priesthood among
you so that the gospel of Jesus Christ might be
preached unto the world, and, therefore, the
promises made to the fathers can be planted in
the hearts of the children, so that the hearts of
the children can turn to the fathers.
And now, I have touched somewhat upon these things already in this record, nevertheless,
it is expedient according to the commandment
of the Lord that I explain these things unto you
more clearly that there might be no further
disputations among you regarding this thing.
For in your understanding of these things ye
do err as did they of old in the time of John the
Baptist when he came into the land preaching
unto the people.
And the Jews asked John if he was the
prophet Elijah who had been sent by God
according to the words of the prophets. And
thus they were confused as to their
understanding of these things

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