Sealed book of Mormon Ch.45

21 hours ago

AND now it was the purpose of those who
organized the canon of scripture that gave an
account of the life of Jesus in the record of the
Jews to not include the account of the marriage
of the Lord to Martha, who was the daughter of
Amasiah, and the sister of Mary and also of
Lazarus, who was a childhood friend of Jesus.
For behold, Lazarus had known Jesus most
of his life; and they had played together in many
instances as children when their fathers were
engaged in the course of their businesses.
But this Lazarus and his family moved
away from Nazareth and settled closer unto
Jerusalem in the town of Bethany. And when
Jesus was of the age of maturity according to
their customs, even that he was no longer
subjected to the will and dominion of his
parents, he left Nazareth and went unto Bethany
and found Lazarus and dwelt there for sometime
while he prepared for the day of his ministry.
And while in the house of Amasiah, Jesus
preached the gospel unto them of the whole house, and they were converted unto the gospel
of which he spoke, which gospel he had
received of the Father.
And Amasiah loved Jesus as his own son,
and also as his Lord, having been given a
witness of him by the Spirit as he listened to
the gospel of the Father that was taught unto
him by Jesus.
And Amasiah desired that Jesus take his
eldest daughter, Martha, as his wife, that he
might have companionship during the days of
his ministry.
Now, this was the custom of the Jews,
even that the father might have some direct
involvement in choosing a husband for his
But Jesus had taught unto them the will of
the Father concerning the marriage of a man and
a woman and said unto Amasiah: Behold, it is
not given unto me to choose that woman who
would be my wife, but she must choose me for
herself. And the law of Moses hath been
fulfilled in me, even in this thing which thou
desirest of me.

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