Sealed Book of Mormon Ch.44

7 days ago

AND it came to pass that the brother of Jared
wrote much concerning the life of Christ.
Nevertheless, I, Moroni, have been commanded
to include in this record only a small part of the
things which the brother of Jared saw, and also
many of the things which the Lord hath
commanded me to include in this record when
he visited me.
And it came to pass that as the Lord grew in
the flesh, the Holy Ghost was with him and
taught him many things which were
commanded of the Holy Ghost by the Father. And Jesus was commanded to not use the
powers of his body for that which was not
commanded of the Father. For Jesus began to
see that his body of flesh was different from
that of his other brothers and his sisters. For if
he cut his flesh, he could command it to be
restored unto its original state like unto that
which is of new, and it was immediately done
unto him as he had commanded.
Now this he could do, as well as many
other miracles, wherein he commanded the
elements, because of the body that he had
received of the Holy Ghost, which was given
unto him by the command of the Father.
Now, in the latter days it shall be made
known unto you—even Satan shall cause
these things to be known unto you, believing
that he shall receive the glory of this
knowledge—the manner in which the body of
flesh is created by the pattern which it
receiveth from the mother and the father.
And this pattern is followed precisely as the
laws of nature direct the creation of this body.
For behold, all things that are flesh follow the
course of flesh in which they are created in order for anything in the flesh to be created, it
must follow a pattern that hath been given unto
it according to the eternal laws of nature, which
the Father hath commanded shall be used upon
this earth according to the order of the flesh
which He hath given unto us, and with which
we pass through the days of our probation.
And these laws of nature, even the laws by
which we exist, require that a pattern be given
by the mother and also that a pattern and a
direction be given by the father.
Now, I have said that a pattern is required of
the mother, but not necessarily a direction.
Behold, the mother hath only to give a pattern of
the flesh unto the body that she would create, but
the father shall give a pattern and a direction
according to the will of the Father, which is the
will of the Spirit.
For all spirits are without gender, and it is
determined by the Father, according to the spirit,
which gender the body of the flesh shall be. And
this determination is made by the spirit child of
God, and it is made according to that desire of
happiness that this spirit hath chosen for itself.
And when a spirit maketh a determination
of its gender, then through the spirit, which
again is the will of the Father, the command is
given through the body of the mortal father, who
unknowingly giveth direction unto the body of
the mother of which gender should be produced.
And after the determination of gender is
made, then the pattern that is given with this
direction from the father unto the mother is
used, as well as the pattern of her own body,
which pattern hath always been with the mother
since the creation of her flesh.
And these two patterns shall cause to be
created a new body that shall be of the mother
until a new spirit entereth into the newly created
body upon birth.
And a woman hath been given the power
to create after the power of her own body since
her birth. For inside the woman hath the pattern
been already given.
But the man cannot have this power except
it be allowed of him by the power of his spirit,
which shall be the direction in which his own
pattern shall be used, along with the pattern of a
woman, to create the new body of flesh.

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