Sealed book of Mormon Ch.42

7 days ago

AND it came to pass that Jesus came down
among them, and they fell before him and
worshipped him. But in this thing the Lord was
not pleased, but suffered it to be because of the
commandment that he had received of the
Father. And the will of the Father is that He
would have His children receive His word as
they could understand it through the means that
they would accept.
And my father, Mormon, was forbidden to
write many of the things which he read of the
account which the people had recorded
concerning the visit of Jesus Christ in the days
of his fathers. And he was forbidden to write
this thing, because it behooveth the Father that
the children of men be given only those things
that they can understand and accept.
And because the Father knew that in the
latter days, even at the time these things shall be
given unto the children of men, that they would
already honor Jesus Christ and give unto him
the glory of the Father. Yea, because He knew
these things, He commanded His Son to suffer it
to be that He might save as many of His children
as He can by turning them from their sins by the
words of and the glory of Jesus.
And the record readeth that Nephi bowed
and kissed the feet of Jesus. And the Lord
commanded that he should arise and do not
these things unto him, but that he should
worship the Father and give all glory unto Him.
But Nephi and the people were
overwhelmed by the greatness of the
appearance of the resurrected Christ among
them, even they were still overcome by the
words that they heard him speak unto them in
the darkness.
And now, this thing is also an example and
a similitude unto you; For behold, did not Jesus
s peak unto the people in darkness? And in the
darkness the people understood his voice. Yet when it was light, whose voice did they
first hear? Yea, in the light, did not the Father
make an attempt to speak unto His children?
And this thing was the will of the Son that
he might show unto the children of men that
while they are in darkness, they shall hear his
voice, but when they are in the light, or rather,
when they have the Spirit, who is with them,
because in them dwelleth light, then the Father
speaketh unto them Himself.
And in this way ye shall know if ye are in
the darkness or in the light according to your
works. For behold, if ye can only hear the
words of Jesus and those whom he hath
commissioned to teach you and preach
repentance unto you, then ye shall know of a
surety that your works are works of darkness,
for in darkness ye shall be given their words.
But if your works are righteous, or are in
the light, then ye shall be given the mysteries of
godliness by the voice of the Father as I have
explained it unto you.
And now, I would that ye should continue
in the record of my father and follow the course
that the Lord took as he taught unto the people
the words of the Father.
For behold, because these people were
in darkness, according to the Spirit, he called
others among them to preach unto them. And
these others were his disciples whom he
commanded to baptize the people according
to their traditions that they could understand
and accept.
For when Jesus spake unto the people in
the darkness, before they were given the
chance to receive the words directly from the
Father, he said unto them: And as many as
have received me, to them have I given to
become the sons of God; and even so will I
give to as many as shall believe on my name,
for behold, by me redemption cometh, and in
me is the law of Moses fulfilled. I am the
light and the life of the world. I am Alpha and
Omega, the beginning and the end.
And ye shall offer up unto me no more
the shedding of blood; yea, your sacrifices
and your burnt offerings shall be done away,
for I will accept none of your sacrifices and
your burnt offerings.

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