Sealed book of Mormon Ch.41

7 days ago

AND now, my beloved brothers and sisters,
even all of you of the latter days, and those of
you who have passed through the days of your
probation and reside in the spirit world and
wait patiently on the Lord that he might bring
about the resurrection of your souls; and also
those of you who remain in the spirit world in
a state of torment because ye now know that
which ye did not consider while ye existed in
mortality, even as ye went through the days of
your probation and did not partake of the
goodness of God which He hath given us
through His Son, Jesus Christ.
I say unto all the children of God no matter
where they might reside: How do ye think that
ye shall come to know the Father, except ye
s hall first know His Son, who is in the exact
likeness of the Father, and who hath been given
to us as an example to follow in all things?
And now, how can ye expect to know
yourselves, except ye first know Him who hath
created you? Now, this thing ye know of a
surety, even that ye do exist. And if ye think not
that ye exist, then I say unto you, find the
highest point of earth on which ye can tread, and
go unto this point and cast yourselves off of this
terrestrial apex.
And as ye fall to the earth to your death,
know ye not that ye are alive? For if ye are not
alive, then why should ye fear death? And what
would be the cause of your fear, if it so be that
ye do not exist?
And while ye are falling, and know that ye
shall die, to whom shall ye call on to save you?
I say unto you, that ye shall call upon someone,
even it so be that ye call upon yourselves. And
if ye call upon yourselves, then ye have a
witness that ye do exist.

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