Sealed book of Mormon Ch.36

21 hours ago

AND it shall come to pass that as the record
which hath come forth from the mouth of the
Jews giveth an account of the birth and life and
the ministry of Jesus Christ in the flesh, so hath
this same record been given unto the world by
the works of men.
For Jesus did not write those things which
he would have the children of men know
concerning his life and those things which he did according to the commandments that he had
received from the Father.
For behold, all things whatsoever that the
Lord would have the children of men learn and
know of the Father, he would have them receive
these things through the Holy Spirit, which is
the way that the Father instituted in the
beginning for His children to receive His
guidance and His instruction.
Nevertheless, the Lord hath commanded his
prophets that they should write unto the children
of men and give unto them in writing the things
which they receive from him through the Spirit ,
as the Father had commanded. But this is not
the will of the Father concerning His children;
nevertheless, in many instances it is the only
way whereby He might give unto His children
His commandments, which commandments
will bring them eternal peace and happiness.
For the children of men do not live
according to the Spirit, and therefore they
cannot discern between good and evil by this
Spirit. And if they could discern between good
and evil from the Spirit, which is by the
ministrations of the Holy Ghost, then they
would not need the written word to inspire them
to turn to God and keep His commandments.
For behold, the Spirit would whisper these
things unto them. And all of the words that are
given unto the children of men, even those that
they have accepted as the word of God, or as the
holy scriptures which contain the word of God;
yea, even all these words that are written, are
written by the hand of a man.
And if they are written by the hand of a man,
how can another be sure that they are the words
of God and not the words of the man who hath
written them? For there have been many things
written by many of the prophets of God in many
parts of the earth unto many different peoples
and cultures, even according to their knowledge
and understanding, or their ability to accept the
word of God that hath been given them through
the prophet that hath been chosen by the Lord to
give unto the people his words.
And all of these things are the words of men,
and are not the words of God. For God doth not
speak to man through the written word. For if a
man readeth the words that are written, then he
hath read the words, and hath not heard them by
the voice of God.

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