Sealed book of Mormon Ch.35

21 hours ago

AND now, I have been commanded by the
Lord; yea, I have been given the greatest
commandment of all pertaining to the
commission that I have received regarding these
plates and the record that I have been instructed
to write upon them.
For behold, nothing that hath ever been
written can compare in importance and
necessity to the purpose for which the literal Son
of God was born into this world.
And now, I would that ye should
understand, that the commandment I have
received pertaining to these things, not only hath been given unto me by the Holy Spirit; though
it is through the ministrations of the Holy Ghost
from which I receive the inspiration to know
what to write; nevertheless, this commandment
hath been given unto me by the Lord himself.
For as it is that I have been alone for many
years, hiding and fleeing the wars of the
Lamanites; and my own people having been
completely destroyed because of their
wickedness; and I being alone; yea, even in my
despair I did cry mightily unto the Lord that he
would support me and assuage the inner
loneliness that I felt.
And I found myself in this state as I
continued the promise I had made to my father
to protect this record, as well as all the records
which Nephi had commanded his posterity to
keep among them. And I have hidden most of
the records which I have received concerning
the children of Lehi; and carry with me only
those records that I feel are necessary to finish
the translation of the words of the brother of
Jared, and seal these things up according to the command of the Lord, which commandment I
had received through my father Mormon.
And I have been visited from time to time
by the apostles of the Lord who have remained
among us upon this earth, having been given
this opportunity by their own desires at the time
when the Lord gave unto them the desires of
their hearts.
And when they visited me I was uplifted and
received much strength and joy from their
companionship. And they taught me many
things and helped me to understand some points
of doctrine and belief that I had not understood
clearly by myself. For it had been necessary that
I fight in the wars against the Lamanites in
defense of my people, even though I realized
that our efforts were in vain. But I did fight; and
this fighting kept the Holy Spirit away from my
mind and caused me to lose precious times of
learning in which I could have been engaged had I not been fighting.
And during this time, these three disciples of
Jesus did visit me and encouraged me in the
commandments that I had received from my
father, and also they did give unto me further
commandments concerning this record that
shall be sealed and that shall not come forth unto
the world until the last days, even in the days in
which the Father shall begin his last work upon
this earth.
And this work shall be a marvelous work
and a wonder. And it shall mark the start of the
gathering of the elect, even that God might
gather them unto Himself, that they may not be
tormented and destroyed at the final coming of
His Son, even Jesus Christ.
And now this glorious day of the second
coming of Christ would not have been possible
except that he had once lived upon this earth.
And now, this is the commandment that I have
received from his own mouth, even that I should
write concerning the days of his mortality upon
these plates.

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