Sealed book of Mormon Ch.32

7 days ago

AND I have been commanded to include this voice of warning upon these plates as it shall be
given unto the world by the first prophet of the
latter days: Hearken, Oh, ye people of the
church of the Lamb of God saith the voice of
him who dwelleth on high, and whose eyes are
upon all men.
Yea, verily I say, hearken ye people from
afar, and ye that are upon the islands of the
sea, listen together; for verily the voice of the
Lord is unto all men, and there is none to
escape, and there is no eye that shall not see,
neither ear that shall not hear, neither heart
that shall not be penetrated.
And the rebellious shall be pierced with
much sorrow, for their iniquities shall be spoken
upon the housetops, and their secret acts shall be
revealed. And this voice of warning shall be
unto all people, by the mouths of my disciples,
whom I have chosen in these last days, and they
shall go forth and none shall stay them, for I the
Lord have commanded them.
Behold, this is mine authority, and the
authority of my servants, which I have given
them to preach unto you, Oh, inhabitants of the
earth; therefore fear and tremble, Oh, ye people,
f or what I the Lord have decreed, in them, shall
be fulfilled.
And verily, I say unto you, that they who go
forth bearing these tidings unto the inhabitants
of the earth, to them is power given to seal, both
on earth and in heaven, the unbelieving and
rebellious; yea, verily, to seal them up unto the
day when the wrath of God shall be poured out
upon the wicked without measure; even unto the
day when the Lord shall come to recompense
unto every man according to his work, and
measure to every man according to the measure
which he hath measured to his fellow man.

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