Sealed book of Mormon Ch.31

7 days ago

AND now it is convenient at this point in my
abridgment that I introduce the next great nation
that arose after the nation of the Greeks. And
this great nation is that Roman Empire, even
that same nation that ruled most of the earth in
the present day of my fathers on the other
continent of the earth, even that continent out of
which traveled my fathers.
And about this present time, the Roman
Empire shall be wounded exceedingly because
of its great sins before the Lord, evensomuch
that it shall be destroyed by a deadly wound,
according to the words of John that are written
in the Bible, which ye have already among you.
But from its wounds, the rise of another
great nation shall come to pass. And this
nation shall be known as the great European
Empire. And from that great empire, Satan
shall make his final stand against the saints of
God, even before the Lord cometh again in
his glory to claim that which hath been placed
in his power by the Father.
For Satan shall cause to be established a
powerful nation among the Gentiles that shall
strike fear in all the other nations of the world.
And with this great nation, Satan shall begin to
rule and reign over his own dominion without
the restrictions that were placed on him by the
Father in the beginning.
And this shall be the final opportunity of
Satan to show unto the children of God that his
plan can bring happiness and joy to those who
follow him and give him the glory that he
seeketh. And this great nation shall be known as
the United States, for they shall be united in their
desire to worship Satan and his image, and this
because of their works.
And unknowingly they shall be led subtlety
to believe that Satan is their God, even the very eternal Father. And they shall support and
worship his image, and cause all other nations
who do not support and worship the image of
Satan, to be condemned or destroyed.
And now, all these things shall come to pass
according to the words of the brother of Jared.
And I shall hereafter give unto you an
abridgment of how these things shall come to
pass. Nevertheless, it hath been commanded me
by the Spirit to give unto you the words of John,
which are written in the book of the Jews. For
the words of John are the final words of this
book, and shall give unto the children of men all
the knowledge that they shall need in order that
they might understand that which Satan hath
done to deceive them and lead them away from
the words of Christ and into captivity, being
bound by the chains of Satan.
And the words of the brother of Jared shall
show unto the elect the way in which Satan
rewardeth those who follow his plan and keep
his covenants. And he rewardeth them with
peace and carnal security as it hath been
explained unto you previously in this record.
And all of the prophets of God have seen
this time when Satan shall be released by the
Father and given power over his own dominions
without the restrictions that were placed upon
him from the beginning.
For Lucifer hath complained unto the
Father that the presentation of his plan and its
incorporation into mortality cannot take a full
effect, nor can it be given the proper chance, so
that the children of God can make a fair choice
of which plan is the best and most righteous for
all, if he is not allowed to give unto them some
indication and example of the eternal laws that
have been established for their happiness.
Therefore, the Father hath chosen a time
when peace shall be taken from the earth for the
last time and Lucifer shall have power over his
own dominions. And at this time, the plan of
Lucifer shall be shown in its full effect unto the
children of God. Whether they are alive in
mortality, or alive according to the manner of
the spirit in the dimensions of the spirit world;
yea, all the children of God shall witness these
last days, and see the plan of Lucifer in its glory

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