Sealed book of Mormon Ch.29

7 days ago

AND it came to pass that when the
ministrations of the spirit world began once
again to have some effect on the children of
men, the people begin to search their hearts and
ponder on their plight in life.
For it is sad to report, that most of the
children of God, while they are in mortality, and
having been caused by the flesh to forget the
Father and the things that they experienced in
His kingdom; yea, because of these things, most
of them rely on the arm of flesh, or in other
words, they rely on their leaders to teach them
what they should know pertaining to the
kingdom of God.
And this is not, nor hath it ever been, nor
will it ever be the will of the Father concerning
His children. And again I say unto you that God
is no respecter of persons, and He would that all of His children come unto Him and know Him.
And it is possible that all the children of men can
come to know Him and His ways.
And I have explained unto you previously
that no man or woman called of God to preach
His gospel to His children would teach anything
more or less than this.
For behold, the prophets of God are
commanded to preach repentance only unto the
children of men, and teach them the
commandments of God that they should live by
so that they may have His spirit to be with them.
And I have also explained unto you that
having His Spirit to be with you doth not mean
that the Father is present constantly with you in
the flesh. For He resideth on the planet where
he passed through the days of His own
probationary period prior to becoming an
exalted being, even of the Celestial glory.
But having His Spirit to be with you
meaneth that you have the ability to
communicate with those in the spirit world,
which is another dimension of this world in
which we live, as it hath been previously
explained unto you. And the spirits that are
assigned to support us and inspire us and give us
counsel throughout our lives, can only do so
when we listen to their promptings and follow
their gentle persuasions, which persuasions are
felt by our conscience.

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