Sealed book of Mormon Ch.28

22 hours ago

AND it came to pass that the Hittite nation was
weakened somewhat by the power of the
Babylonians, who had established written laws
among themselves and began to prosper
because of these laws.
For not all the laws that were introduced
among the children of men were evil. There
were some leaders who were more
compassionate than others.
And the commandments of God that were
given to Adam were passed down among the
people and corrupted with time; but in some
instances, the remnants of the gospel were
recognizable among the laws of the peoples
who chose to worship their own gods according
to their customs and their traditions.
And the Lord sent his prophets throughout
the land. And these prophets went unto any
people that would receive them and listen to the
gospel as they preached it unto them. But in
most instances, these prophets were persecuted
or slain by the leaders of the nations, and this
because the law of the gospel would take away
their riches and their power and make them
equal to all people.
And if there were a people, or a nation, that
listened to the prophets and began to introduce
the principles of the gospel among them, then
Satan would do whatever he could to cause
discontent and turmoil, so that he could
maintain control over the children of men and
their leaders.

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