Sealed book of Mormon Ch.25

22 hours ago

AND now I will return once again to the words
of the brother of Jared concerning those of the
children of Adam who began to establish
kingdoms and nations among them.
And it came to pass that those of the
children of Adam who stayed behind in the land
that bordered on the great river, even that great
river that Adam and those that followed him
encountered in this new world; and these begin
to divide themselves up into areas, according to
their individual families.
And these families sought out the most
fertile parts of the land where they could plant
their seeds and raise their food. And they began
to cultivate the land that was fertile in such a
way that they began to raise much more food
than was necessary for their daily sustenance.
And they began to take the water from this
great river and dig canals and ditches wherein it
would flow into places that there had not been
water before. And in this way they did increase
the harvest of their crops.
And this work was done by many families
in cooperation with each other, having elected
one to oversee the construction of their canals,
and their waterways, and their dams. For the
people felt that it was better that one man
should have the authority over many in order
to eliminate contention and disputations
among them.
And in this way these people began to form
their governments and elect their leaders from
among their own families.
And it came to pass that these leaders
became wealthy; and they did not work by the
sweat of their brow, but required a payment for
their services. And because of their positions,
which had been given unto them by the people,
these leaders began to develop schemes and plans whereby they could control more of the
daily activities of the people, than the activities
that they had been elected to perform.
And it was a benefit to the families that they
had established among them to choose these
men to whom they gave this power and
authority from within their own families.
And in this way the children of men began
again to allow Satan to exercise power over
them. For according to the word of the Lord, a
leader of the people should be the servant of all.
And because they did not have the Holy Spirit
to guide them, these peoples did not understand
the principles and laws of heaven for the
establishment of a righteous government

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