Sealed book of Mormon Ch.24

7 days ago

AND it came to pass that after more than two
hundred years had passed away since Adam
gave his counsel in the valley of
Adamondiahman, he dwelt with his sons and
his daughters in the new land where the Lord
had led him.
And shortly after they came into this land,
Jared, the son of Mahalaleel begat a son and
called his name Enoch.
And these were the generations of the
patriarchal order that Adam had set up in the
church that he had established among them.
And Adam caused that temples should be built
throughout the land, so that the people could
meet together often and hear the words of those
who had been called to serve in the church. And
also, that the people could receive the Holy Endowment, so that they might know the plan
of salvation more fully.
And at the time of the birth of Enoch, the
sons and daughters of Adam began to once
again rebel against the commandments of
God. And they began to search for gold and
silver and the precious things of the earth, and
place value upon them like unto the Benelites
in the land of Eden.
And Cainan, the son of Enos, searched the
new land for many years and came upon a
land that was eastward and that bordered the
great sea. And this land was a land also like
unto the land of Eden. And he had taken
Amoran and Amalek with him and had shown
unto them this land that they might be satisfied
therein and not desire to return to the land of
Eden as had been their intention, contrary to
the commandments of the Lord.
And Amoran and Amalek were pleased with
the land. And it came to pass that each took a
section thereof for the inheritance of their
children. And thus the children of men began to
once again divide up the land amongst
themselves according to their families, which
was contrary to the commandments of the Lord
and the words of Adam.

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