Sealed book of Mormon Ch.23

7 days ago

AND it came to pass that after Adam had
spoken unto his children at Adamondiahman,
he caused to be written all those things which
he had said. And when these things had been
written according to his commandment, he
sent them unto all parts of the land unto all of
his posterity.
And he gave special instructions to those
who carried these words forth, even that they
should go in among the children of Cain and the
descendants of Beneli and give unto them the
commandments of the Lord.
And it came to pass that as soon as those
who carried forth his words entered in among
the children of Cain, they were bound and
tortured and slain, and the words that they
carried forth were destroyed.
And when word came unto Adam that his
words had been destroyed, and that those that had carried them forth had been killed, he
became desirous that he should go personally to
his children who had rejected his words, and
who truly were his beloved children, that they
might show unto him respect; and that they
might listen to him.
But the sons of Adam, and those whom he
had gathered together that they might discuss
this matter, dissuaded him that he might not go
in among them. For the Cainites had become a
wild and ferocious people and had been taught
to hate their brothers and sisters who were the
other sons and daughters of Adam; even those
who had not been banished out of the land by
Adam in the day of their father, Cain.
And the descendants of Beneli were the
more intelligent of those who did not give heed
unto the words of Adam. And these Benelites
stirred up the Cainites to anger against the sons
and daughters of Adam who did not belong to
their families and to their communities.
For the Benelites had for many years
established a means of trade and industry with
the Cainites, even that the Cainites performed
all the labors for the Benelites, so that these did
not have to work with their own hands

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