Sealed book of Mormon Ch.22

7 days ago

AND now, I, Moroni, return once again to the
words that the brother of Jared wrote concerning
the counsel of Adam to his posterity. Behold,
Adam taught his children the ways and
commandments of the Lord according to the
commandments that he received from God.
And by the power of the Spirit Adam
expounded these commandments unto his
posterity that they might have no confusion on
the points of doctrine concerning them.
And Adam continued speaking unto them,
saying: And now my beloved children, I
would that ye might know the commandments
of the Lord pertaining to his requirements of
us in relationship to the Father, or in other
words, the things that we must do to be like
unto the Father, so that we might show this
example to our children.
And the Lord spoke unto us, saying: Verily,
verily, I say unto you, I give unto you to be the
salt of the earth; but if the salt shall lose its savor,
wherewith shall the earth be salted? The salt
shall be thenceforth good for nothing, but to be
cast out and to be trodden under foot of men.

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