Sealed book of Mormon Ch.19

7 days ago

AND Adam continued his teachings, saying:
Our Eternal Mothers taught us that we must
obey the laws of the kingdom of God in order to
ensure that we would be guaranteed the
happiness that each of us desired for ourselves.
And now, I would that ye should know that
these laws were also given unto your mother
Eve and me upon our expulsion from the garden
of Eden. Behold, these laws are eternal and are
the same in the world in which our Eternal
Parents reside, as well as in all the kingdoms
that exist. And these laws ensure order in the
universe; and that the end of these laws, which is happiness, may be realized by all those
subjected to these laws.
And if ye abide by these laws throughout the
days of your probation upon this earth, then ye
shall also have peace and order among you here.
And for this purpose were they given unto us
after we left the garden of Eden.
And these laws are based upon one great
law which encompasseth all of the
commandments that God hath given us. Yea,
it encompasseth all of the commandments
that shall ever be given unto you and your
children forever.
And this is the law on which all other
commandments are based, that was given unto
us by the Lord, even that ye should do unto
others what ye would have them do unto you.
Now, from this law the Lord hath given us
specific instructions, or commandments, that
we must follow to accomplish the purpose of
this law.
For he hath commanded us that we should
not be angry one with another; and that we
should have a respect for the opinions of each
other; and rejoice in the freedom that we each
have to express our own opinion without the
fear of repression or anger from another

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