Was Steven Seagal Legit

5 days ago

Steven Seagal arrived in Japan as one of the first Westerners to train seriously in Aikido. He studied under some of the top Aikido masters, including Koichi Tohei and Kisshomaru Ueshiba, the son of Aikido’s founder, Morihei Ueshiba. Seagal’s dedication and skill led him to earn a black belt in Aikido, making him one of the few Westerners to achieve such a high rank at the time.

In addition to Aikido, Seagal trained in karate, judo, and kendo, further expanding his martial arts expertise. His time in Japan also deepened his understanding of samurai philosophy and Zen Buddhism, influences that would later shape his public persona.

Seagal eventually became the first non-Japanese instructor to run an Aikido dojo in Japan. He married Miyako Fujitani, the daughter of a respected Aikido master, and together they operated the Tenshin Dojo in Osaka. His teaching methods were known to be intense, emphasizing real-world application and efficiency.

During this time, he also worked as a martial arts choreographer for Japanese films and demonstrations, further honing his knowledge of cinematic fight sequences—skills that would later serve him well in Hollywood.

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