Sealed book of Mormon Ch.18

22 hours ago

AND now, I, Moroni, continue with the words
of Adam that he spoke unto those who were
gathered in the valley of Adamondiahman:
And when the Mothers of our spirits have
raised their children to maturity in the world of
our Eternal Parents, then each is ready to
determine for itself what kind of happiness that
each desireth. For they have experienced the
happiness that existeth among those who live in
the world in which they were created, in other
words, they have experienced the type of life,
and the types of things that are done in this
world that bring happiness to those therein.
And we were taught that these exalted
Beings experience a fullness of joy, and
because of their joy, they dwell in a state of
happiness forever.
In order to teach us so that we could
understand, our Mothers showed us the fruits of
the joy that they experienced. For an example
unto us, They would pluck a piece of fruit from
off of a tree and show that fruit unto us. And
They would describe its shape and its size and
the texture of its skin unto us, and allow us to
hold the fruit in our hands and feel that of which
They describe. But to us, as spirits who did not
know the difference between good and bad, or
between soft and hard, nor did we know the
difference between hunger and the feeling of
being satisfied, we did not understand
completely the feeling of joy that our Mothers
tried to explain unto us.
And They would eat the fruit and make the
sounds of enjoyment as They tasted the
sweetness thereof. And a smile would form
upon Their face, and a happy sensation would
exude from within Their perfected body. And
we could sense the joy that was felt by our
Mothers, but we did not understand it.

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