World of Warplanes Tier1 American P12 1st Plane

10 days ago

This was the plane that started it all for me. I recommend this plane to all new players if you are going to grind the American line of planes. The Boeing P12 multirole fighter is in my opinion the best tier1 a new player can get,. its fast, maneuverable, Has 2 - 7.62 mm machine guns plus 2 bombs. the bombs are capable of taking out a hardened AAA gun placement and one should use them. my first pilot skills was engine guru 1&2 because I like to get to a base I am about to capture before anyone else. Play this plane untill you have a 5 point pilot before moving up to the next tier,. doing this will get you some silver and experience built up,. The best Strategy for new players is A B C = "Always Be Capturing" a base. use this one tactic and all the rest will follow. Happy Hunting and o7 !

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