I Investigated the Top 10 Busiest Train Stations

10 days ago

I went to the top 10 busiest train stations in the world, and realised something crazy. They are all in Japan. Why is that?

So turns out the busiest station outside of Japan, Paris Nord, ranks at number 24 in the world. The top 23 are all Japanese. But this doesn't make sense right. There are 11 countries with a higher population and Japan. Some with more money and tech too.

Well I think it will start to make sense after you look around.
The first thing I noticed was that stations are actually places you want to be in. Even the smallest stations are complete with restaurants, isolation pods, and convenience stores. So they can get complicated to navigate, but then you have VR maps you can use.

That's not even the best part. You see when I was in Europe, trains delays were usually measured in minutes or hours. Here, they are measured in seconds. Even long distance bullet trains are only 20 seconds late on average. So…

Sources: https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/population-by-country/



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