Sealed book of Mormon Ch.17

7 days ago

AND Seth grew in righteousness and
followed in the footsteps of his father and did
all things whatsoever the Lord commanded
him. And Seth had the pure blood of Adam
within him, and he had many sons and
daughters born unto him. And he begot a son
and called him Enos. And Enos also grew in
the righteousness of the Lord.
And Enos begot a son and named him
Cainan. And Cainan also followed in the
footsteps of his fathers. And Cainan was a
very strong man among men, and was
pleasant to look upon, and the desire of many
women. Nevetheless, he was faithful to the
commandments of God and the counsel of his
fathers in all things. And he became one of
the most popular leaders among those who
were righteous.
And Cainan begot a son and named him
Mahalaleel, and he also followed in the
footsteps of his father.
And Mahalaleel begot Jared, who was like
unto his fathers in all things. And Jared was
ordained in the Holy Priesthood and served with
his fathers in the church of God that existed
among them. And it was in the early ministry of
Jared that Adam called his children from all
parts of the land to give them his counsel.

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