Sealed book of Mormon Ch.16

7 days ago

AND it came to pass that the brother of Jared
saw many things pertaining to the way in
which Adam and Eve began to have dominion
over the earth, and also over the beasts of the
field, and this because of the intelligence of
Adam and Eve, and the things that they had
learned of the Father. For the beasts were
created on a lower order than the children of
men. And these beasts were driven by their
instincts, not knowing right or wrong, and
therefore, not being able to partake of the joys
of which the children of men partake.
And when the time arrived for the birth of
the child conceived in the garden of Eden, both
Adam and Eve rejoiced in his birth. And they
called his name Beneli, which being interpreted
means, a son of God.
And it came to pass that Adam and Eve
had many sons and daughters. And these grew
and were taught to worship the Lord according
to the manner in which Adam and Eve were
instructed by the Lord in the garden of Eden,
and also by way of the Holy Endowment that
hath been explained unto you previously in
this record.
And the Lord also suffered that Adam
should organize a church for the benefit of his
children, and also that the Holy Priesthood of
God, with its lower and higher appendages,
should be established among them for their
instruction and their learning.

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