Sealed book of Mormon Ch.15

7 days ago

AND now I, Moroni, continue with my
abridgment of the vision of the brother of Jared.
And it came to pass that the brother of Jared
observed Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden;
and he watched to see in what manner came the
cause of their fall from this state.
And this fall hath been represented in many
different ways in the holy scriptures according
to the traditions and interpretations of men.
For the Lord hath not revealed the full effect
of their fall and the way in which it came about
unto the children of men. And he commanded
Adam and Eve to teach their children a different
version of what actually transpired in the garden
of Eden, even how Eve fell before Adam.
And the Lord instructed them, saying:
Nevertheless, ye shall not divulge any portion
of the truth regarding the way in which Eve
was tempted and lost her power over death
and was cast out of the garden of Eden. For
behold, these things shall not be known by any
man except it be unto those whom I choose to
reveal them.
And I, Moroni, would that ye should know
that unto some the truth of these things was
revealed. And this truth hath been corrupted and
changed over the course of the history of the
children of men. For some have written
concerning a fallen angel who came down upon
the earth and enticed the daughters of men to
engage in sexual intercourse. And others have mis interpreted the words
that are found in the book that proceeded out of
the mouth of the Jew, in which they say: The
sons of God saw the daughters of men that they
were fair; and they took them wives of all which
they chose.
And many thought these sons of God meant
the angels of God. And in this they do err
considerably. For behold, there are no angels or
servants of God who have the body necessary to produce offspring with a daughter of a mortal
man. And those who have interpreted these
things in this way do not understand the
workings of the Father.
Nevertheless, many things that are written
in the books of the children of men have
portions of the truth hidden amongst the stories
and the myths that have been passed down from
generation to generation. But in the beginning,
Adam taught his children the truth that the Lord
had revealed unto him, and commanded his
posterity to teach their children the truth in all
things, except for those things forbidden of them
by the Lord.
And Adam caused to be written many of
his teachings that they might be passed down
from one generation to the next, thus
preserving the plain and simple truths from the
mouth of God that Adam received while in the
garden of Eden.
But as I have previously explained it unto
you, many of these things have been lost in
translation and corrupted by the works of men.

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