Turning Point in the Democrats War on Children?

10 days ago

Turning Point in the Democrats War on Children?
Will the sexualization of Children by the Left Finally get the Attention it Needs?

The Democrats’ War on Children, and the sexualization of children by the Left in America, is an issue that should have had Americans angry and up out of their seats for years now, but for some reason Americans have either been unaware of it or willfully blind themselves to it. I have been speaking about this issue for a long time and some others have been as well. This issue is the very reason that the group Moms for Liberty got started. Some documentaries have been made about it and some people have been shouting it from the rooftops, but the majority of Americans don't seem to care and that is a tragedy.

Small children in elementary schools have been sexually groomed and sexualized for years now, to the point that we have an entire generation of kids who have no clue about right & wrong when it comes to sexual ethics, moralities, and simple scientific facts.

Finally a case has made its way to the Supreme Court, and we can only pray to God that the Supreme Court does the right thing. Please watch my video above and please click on the links below and learn more about this important issue, and please share this article too.

Links Mentioned in the Video:

26 States, Lawmakers, Faith Groups Support Parents at SCOTUS Fighting Grade-School LGBTQQIAAP2S+ Lessons

The War On Children Official Trailer

Democrats and the Left, and their War on Children

Hunbdreds of Stories about Groomers

Democrats are Normalizing Paedophilia

Democrats Protect and Support Pedophiles

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