Old vs. New: Running a 30 Year Old 870

5 days ago

In this video, Luke puts an old Remington 870 through its paces by shooting a series of timed drills to see how it stacks up against modern shotguns. From speed and accuracy to handling and reliability, we’ll compare this classic pump-action shotgun to the latest models on the market. Can the Remington 870 still keep up with today’s high-performance shotguns, or has it been outpaced by newer designs? Tune in to find out and see how this iconic firearm holds up in real-world drills! Don't forget to like, subscribe, and comment below with your thoughts on the Remington 870!

#greenops #Remington870 #ShotgunDrills #OldVsNew #FirearmComparison #shotgunreview #PumpActionShotgun

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