Sealed book of Mormon Ch.14

1 day ago

AND now, I, Moroni, return once again to the
vision of the brother of Jared in which he saw all
things that have transpired among the children
of men, even all things that shall transpire
according to the vision that was given unto him by the Lord.
And many of the words of the brother of
Jared will confound the foolish doctrines that have been passed down from generation to
generation according to the traditions and
understanding of the children of men.
Even the holy scriptures have been
corrupted by evil men, whose responsibility it
was to watch over these holy records and ensure
that they remained untouched by the
interpretations and opinions of men.
And there shall be many sources of
scriptures upon the earth in the latter days. And
these scriptures shall be had among all the
different peoples of the earth, according to each
of their cultures, and each of their capabilities of
learning and understanding.
And when these scriptures were given by
the mouth of the holy prophets, who the Lord
suffered to teach the people of the earth
according to their cultures and according to their
learning and their understanding, they were pure
and unadulterated by the hand of man.
And over the course of time, the
commandments and the instructions of the Lord
became unclear and confusing to the children of
men who read from these sources of scripture.
And many of the children of men are led by
others whom they have accepted as their leaders
and their spiritual guides. And these leaders
have caused their own interpretations and
opinions to be mingled with the mistranslations
and misquotations of the holy scriptures that the
Lord hath caused to be written for their benefit
and for their instruction.
And even the Lord himself knew of the
frailties and the works of men, who in their
attempt to understand the things of God,
without the spirit of God, mislead and corrupt
the hearts of the children of men. And for this
reason the Lord left no written record of those
things which he taught.
And for this reason he commanded his
disciples, who were at Jerusalem, to write
nothing that he had said unto them while he
was with them in the flesh, except it be given
unto them after he had sent the Holy Ghost
unto them.

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