Sealed book of Mormon Ch.13

7 days ago

AND before I return once again to the account
of the brother of Jared and his vision regarding
Adam and Eve and their expulsion from the
garden of Eden, the Spirit hath commanded me
to explain further the kingdom of the Father and
the eternal laws that constitute the government
of the eternal worlds, even all the worlds that
are, which are worlds without end.
And there existeth only one pure form of
government that hath always existed, and shall
continue to exist in worlds without end.
And this government hath one purpose and
priority in which are incorporated all the eternal
laws that manage this government and cause it
to function for the purpose for which it existeth.
And that purpose for which it existeth is for the
eternal happiness of those whom it serveth.
And the first principle and law of this
government, is that this government shall never
be self-serving, or in other words, it shall never
act in and of itself and of its own accord for the
sake of its own existence.
And this government is restricted in its
power according to the restrictions that are
necessary to ensure that it abideth by this first
principle and law.

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