Sealed book of Mormon Ch.11

7 days ago

YE shall continue the presentation of the
endowment by symbolically introducing Adam
and Eve into the Telestial glory, or the world as
it will be known unto your children in mortality.
Behold, this world will be very much like
unto the worlds that exist in the Telestial glory
of the kingdom of our Father. And those who
reside therein shall partake of the same
experiences that bring them joy in this world,
except it be that there shall be no pain or sorrow,
nor will there be any sickness or death anymore.
But in the Telestial glory there shall be a
penalty affixed which shall be an eternal penalty
that those who reside in that glory will always
remember. And those who receive this penalty
are those who did not obey the law of the gospel
i n mortality, thus symbolically revealing the token
and receiving the penalty that is affixed to it.
And since the presentation of the
endowment is presented in a world that representeth this glory, I would that ye should
introduce this penalty, along with its name and
sign, as I have shown unto you, like unto the
first token that is called the First Token of the
Lower Priesthood.
And this token shall be called the Second
Token of the Lower Priesthood. And this token
shall be given unto the participants that are
receiving this endowment along with the law of
my gospel, which I shall give unto them in the
written word of the holy scriptures, which I shall
instruct your children to keep a record of for
their instruction and their learning.
For behold, there shall come a time when
your children will rebel against the things that
ye shall teach unto them, yea even those things
which ye shall teach unto them in their purity,
having received them from mine own mouth.
And they shall forget these things and live
according to the lusts of their flesh, which Satan
will entice them to do. And as he promised in
the beginning to take the treasures and things of
the earth and build up kingdoms of men that do
not follow the laws of the gospel, so shall he
therefore have great power over the hearts of the
children of men.

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