Sealed book of Mormon Ch.6

7 days ago

AND the brother of Jared beheld the legions of
souls which were cast out of the presence of
God going to and fro throughout the earth
deceiving the sons and daughters of Adam and
corrupting their souls and turning them away
from the plan of salvation.
Nevertheless, the armies of God were also
organized in the spirit realm and were sent forth
to battle against the armies of Lucifer. And the
Lord Jesus, the Christ, stood at the front of the
battle and led the armies of God in righteousness
until the time was appointed that he should give
this authority to the Holy Ghost.
And it is under this direction in the spirit
world that the spirits of the children of men are
saved from the enticings of the evil one, if it so
be that they give heed to the promptings of the
spirits who are called to protect them.
And I return again to the vision of the
brother of Jared in the spirit world and to the
counsel in which the Father instructed His

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