Sealed book of Mormon Ch.5

7 days ago

And behold, there were many spirits which
did possess the bodies of many of the sons of
Adam insomuch that they did that which is
contrary to the will of God by desiring their
brethren in a way that a woman desireth a man. And the Lord was merciful unto these sons
of men and understood the reason for their
unnatural state. And I marveled at the love the
Lord had for these brethren who were possessed
with the spirits of those who would have been
women had they been allowed to pass through
their second estate.
And they were meek and compassionate,
having many of the qualities of a righteous
woman, yet they were mortal men having a body that was like unto their mortal fathers.
And the brother of Jared beheld that these
men were despised by their brethren and
mocked and ridiculed for their manner of speech
and the workings of their nature.
Nevertheless, these were loved by God.
For behold, the Father loveth all of His children,
and those of His children that rebelled against
Him in the spirit realm are loved by Him as well
as are all of those who did not rebel against Him.
And thus hath He commanded us to love
our enemies and those that are not like us,
yea, even those that we do not understand,
and do good unto them, all of us being the
children of God.

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