Sealed book of Mormon Ch.3

7 days ago

AND it came to pass that as the brother of
Jared looked upon the world where the Father
dwelleth in all His glory, he beheld many people
talking and reasoning one with another. And he
beheld their dress that it was of a whiteness that
was most exquisite and exceeded any that he
had beheld before.
And as he pondered on the beauty of the
people, he looked thereon and beheld plants and
vegetation which grew in the likeness of those
upon this earth; nevertheless, they grew
spontaneously as if they were compelled to
grow without the aid and toil of man. And this
vegetation was not like any that he had known
upon the earth.
And the people came forth and partook of
the fruit of the vines and of the trees, yea,
even of all the vegetation that produced
flowers and fruits which were pleasing to the
desires of the people.
And he beheld the people partaking of this
fruit freely, taking only that which they desired
to make themselves happy. For behold, the
people appeared as though they never hungered,
neither did they thirst, nor did they take more
than that which they needed; yea, they partook
of the fruit only to make themselves joyous and
fulfill their desires of happiness.

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